Monday, December 1, 2008

Mario Kart Love Song (Original)

Trying out the YouTube blog feature.

+1 for YouTube's integrated-with-3rd-party-blog feature. When I come across a cool video, I don't need to spend time copying the embed code, navigating over to my blog, creating a new post, etc. I can just blog straight from the video I'm watching.

Figuring out where to access this feature was the hard part... Sure, it makes sense now, but since I wasn't familiar with all of YouTube's social networking aspects, I was left scratching my head. So for all of you who don't know, it's located under the "Share" section on the video page. Just click on the link to your blog's title and a little blog widget opens up. DUH.

Coming full circle now, here's my recommendation to YouTube: Include copy on the Blog Setup page telling users where they can access this feature. Thanks, the invoice is in the mail!

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